Next: Bibliography
Previous: Summary and Outlook
- Biotin
- Three-dimensional structure of avidin, acquired with x-ray
diffraction methods [106]
- Three-dimensional structure of streptavidin, acquired with x-ray diffraction methods [106]
- Sketch for streptavidin-biotin bond-force measurements,
from [119]. A force is applied to biotin (red) to pull
it out of the streptavidin.
- Asymmetric two-well potential U(x), used in
KRAMERS' model. Escape occurs via the forward rate k
and the backward rate k
. The corresponding activation energies
are E
and E
. Taken from [61]
- Conceptual energy landscape of a ligand-receptor bond. The
dashed line represents an applied force that lowers the potential
barriers and, therefore, the total width of the potential narrows
). Remade after [91]
- Sketch of a typical magnetic marker
- SEM images of three different kinds of magnetic particles
- Magnetic fields of a rectilinear current, remade after [1]
- Sketch of a simple setup to manipulate a magnetic marker
with a conducting line on a surface.
- Sectioning of the conducting line for the simulation
program showing the magnetic field at point
generated from one
section (confer figure 1.9b)
- Results from the the simulation program. The top images
show the defined conducting lines with the direction of the
currents, and the bottom images show the normalized magnetic
- Tunneling in metal/insulator/metal (M/I/M) structures, [84]
- Exchange bias and coercive field of a CoFe layer in
dependence on the MnIr thickness. From [124]
- Sputtering systems used in this thesis
- Full recorded spectrum of the layer stack TMR-DP15 from the
quadrupole mass spectrometer. Because the channels for different
masses are not fully separated, some artefacts occur (e.g. the
rise of Al at the end of the spectrum is only related to the Si
- Design of the TMR standard mask.
- Example for an AGM measurement of magnetic markers.
- Setup used for the main measurements. Including an optical
microscope with a CCD-camera, an IC-socket for the samples and a
computer with proprietary developed software.
- Side view of a sample for all preparation steps
- Sample inside the IC-Socket. Bonded gold wires connect the
design with the socket pins
- Examples for the electromigration of a conducting line
- Water is boiling because of an overheating conducting line
- Splintered glass on top of the conducting lines
- A 5mA current through the straight conducting line (width
= 3.8
m) attracts the magnetic marker. The images have a size of
m. See the CD for the complete Video.
- Trapping magnetic markers inside a ring shaped conducting
line. See the CD for the complete video.
- Trapping many magnetic markers inside a ring shaped conducting
line, from [85]
- Manipulation with magnetic and electric fields. A current
through the thin and wide lines in the middle generates a magnetic
field, and the top and bottom lines are electrodes of a capacitor
to create an electric field. See the CD for a complete video.
- Transportation of single beads, from Wirix-Speetjens [136]
- Moving magnetic particles to several defined positions with
a star like structure.
- Sketch for the bond-force measurements
- Sketch for the Sulfur-gold bond measurements
- Auger measurements of sputtered gold surfaces
- The sulfur bond cannot be broken with the maximum magnetic
field (a), but with an electric field between the outer
electrodes, (b) and (c). See the CD for the complete Video.
- Complete design used for all bond-force measurements. The
measurement area is magnified.
- Bond enthalpy of all bonds between the surface and the
magnetic marker. The xDNA strand has a phosphor backbone with a
bond enthalpy for the P-O bond of 407kJ/mol. Enthalpy values are
from [108,92]
- Three images of a recorded video. At 73mA two
streptavidin markers still bind to the biotin (a). At a current of
74mA, the upper marker is ruptured (b), and at 81mA the lower is
ruptured (c). See CD for the complete video.
- Distributions of the measured bond-forces for
streptavidin-biotin (a) and avidin-biotin (b) bonds.
- Bond-Force dependency on the loading rate for the
streptavidin-biotin bond. The values for the atomic force
microscopy (AFM) are from [97] and the values for the dynamic
force spectroscopy (DFS) are from [91].
- Bond-Force dependency on the loading rate for the
avidin-biotin bond. The values for the atomic force
microscopy (AFM) are from [44] and the values for the dynamic
force spectroscopy (DFS) are from [91].
- Three different designs to position single magnetic
particles. The design is evolving from (a) to (c). See the CD for
complete videos of the positioning experiments.
- SEM image of the final design.
- (a) Orthogonal pinning of top to bottom magnetic
electrodes. (b) Layer stack used for the TMR sensor.
- Major loop from the final layer stack of a typical
TMR element.
- Minor loop from the final layer stack of a typical
TMR element.
- I/V measurements of the used layer stack.
- Side view of all preparation steps for the TMR elements and
the manipulation system on top.
- SEM image of the completed sample.
- Major loop of a typical 2
TMR element, of the
structured sample.
- I/V measurements of the 2
TMR element.
- Placement of a single magnetic marker (MICROMOD
marker with a diameter of 1.5
m) into the corner of
the positioning structure, right before (a) and after (b) the
marker reaches the final position. The images have a size of

. See CD for the complete video.
- SEM images of well positioned single magnetic
markers (MICROMOD,
- Destruction of the TMR elements.