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Aww::Options::index is an aww options module!

The index module is indexing all files in a directory. The behaviour of the module can be changed with several options in the .indexrc file. The old toc, wmltoc and new modules were put into this new module.


All Options of the .indexrc file are described below:


header: header for the created indexpage(s)
footer: footer for the created indexpage(s)
preentry: stuff to put before every indexentry
postentry: stuff to put after every indexentry
indextype: possible indextypes are: none, one,alpha, reverse or a number. none creates no indexpage and just connects the files, one puts all entries on one indexpage, alpha creates one indexpage per letter - all files starting with 'a' are put on indexa.html ..., reverse is alpha reversed and if set to a number, it's the number of entries per indexpage.
sortoption: the following sort options are supported: alpha - Alphanumerical case insensitive, Alpha - Alphanumerical case sensitive, reverse - Alphanumerical reverse (case insensitive), Reverse - Alphanumerical reverse (case sensitive), time - newest image first, Time - Oldest image first
hrefoptions: special options for the <a href..> tag of the link to the indexentry
underscorereplace: if set, all underscores are replaced with a space in the labels (see abovelabel and belowlabel
annotatefile: looks for a hidden file that prepends this annotate ending (e.g. '.SomeFile.wml') and adds the contents of that file to the entry on the indexpage
indexbasename: the basename of the created indexfile
filematch: RegExp to match the files that should be indexed (e.g. '.wml$' for files with the .wml ending. If not set, all (non hidden) files are indexed.


imagetypes: RegExp defines, what files are handled as pictures by this module
thumbtype: Imageformat of the created thumbnails (should be png,gif or jpg), only if this option is set, a thumbnail will be created
maxwidth: maximum width (in pixel) of the thumbnail to create
maxheight: maximum height (in pixel) of the thumbnail to create
thumbdir: name of the directory to put the created thumbnails in
thumboptions: special options for the <img> tag of the created thumbnail entry
imageoptions: special options for the <img> tag of the created imagepage
header: header for the created imagepage
footer: footer for the created imagepage


WMLTocTag: Defines the Tag to look for in the files with Processfile_type Ending (like in the old wmltoc module)


Comments to known file formats. Add whatever you need here! These comments are added besides the link. If you don't like that, comment all out. If you need more just add them under this section.


Input : <Directory to process>
Output: index wml-file


The HTML::Parser,Image::Magick and File::Copy modules are needed to use this module


Michael Panhorst <>


Aww::Options, Aww::Main and Aww::lib || webmaster