- ... dermatitis1.1
- skin rash
or eczema
- ... alopecia1.2
- loss of hair
- ...
144 Da 1.3
- Dalton - unit of the molecular weight: 1Da
g [69]
- ... 1.4
- The rate of force increase
, is called ``loading-rate'' in most papers,
e.g. [91]
- ...
- Simple definition for cooperativity: An
interaction of the constituent subunits of a protein causing a
conformational change in one subunit to be transmitted to all
others [67].
- ...
- A model by MONOD, WYMAN and
CHANGEUX for negative and positive
cooperativity [95].
- ... ECR2.1
- ECR is the
abbreviation for: electron cyclotron resonance
- ...Millikan3.1
- MILLIKAN got the nobel prize in
1923 for his work on the elementary charge of electricity (using the
oil-drop method) and on the photoelectric effect.
- ... calculated4.1
- STOKES law does not apply for these experiments,
because the particle does not move until the bond is ruptured. So the
and therefore the friction
- ...
here 6.1
- The development and evaluation of different layer stacks
for magnetoresistive sensors, used for the detection of single beads
is done by coworkers of our group [19,114]